
I aspire to organize this a little better at some point, and I've got a few more things to add at some point, but for now, here are a bunch of links to things I find fun.


My game collection
New World Seafarers kit
RoboRally house rules

BrettspielWelt (online German boardgames)
Various games at Yahoo
RoboRunner (much like RoboRally)
Set Puzzle Of The Day

WordORama rules
SimCapitalism rules
Rules for lots of parlor games
Situation puzzles

Diplomacy mapper
Diplomatic Pouch

Bruno's Titan page
ACTS Titan
TG's Titan page


Monday night Scottish in Medford
Wednesday night English in Arlington
1st Friday night English in Brookline
2nd/4th Friday night English in Harvard Square

CDS Boston
RSCDS Boston


My bows, stats, etc
Archery in the Boston area
Archery in Pasadena

TV & Movies

Tivo recording list (out of date, no Tivo at present)

IMDB search

Page maintained by <irilyth at infersys dot com>
Last updated on 2005-10-23 (Sun) at 13:49 EDT